Cribbing in Horses - How Environment Affects Stereotypic Behavior
-Cribbing in Horses- How Environment Affects Stereotypic Behavior Does the environment in which we keep horses affect whether or not a horse will develop stereotypic behaviors? Can we help to reduce or even eliminate these behaviors by making changes to the way the modern day horses are housed? Cribbing is an example of a stereotypic behavior (formerly referred to as a vice), also known as crib-biting. It involves the horse repeatedly placing their upper incisor teeth on a solid object, (e.g. fence board or stall) arching their neck and pulling backwards against the object while gulping in air producing grunting...
Important Things to Remember When Tying Horses
Important Things to Remember When Tying Horses There are many factors to consider when tying a horse. It is important for many reasons to understand how a horse innately behaves and functions, especially for safety reasons when we handle them or ask them to do something that is not natural for them. Naturally horses are born as prey animals with strong flight responses. It is their primary means of survival. Mother Nature has innately taught them that they need to run first, think later. This is very important to know before we tie horses. When a horse gets scared his...
Iconoclast Orthopedic Horse Support Boots Review
Before I recommend or add any new products to my online store I always use them on my own horses. After purchasing a pair of Iconoclast Equine Orthopedic Support Boots and Bell Boots I was so impressed I decided to write a blog review. After using them it is obvious why these boots are so popular among top performance horse trainers and recommended by veterinarians. I had heard great things about Iconoclast over the past few years, but I had never taken the time to look into them until now. They also weren’t very accessible in Canada at the time. What got me...