Blocker Tie Ring Videos & Testimonials
1. Introduction
A brief look at traditional tying methods and the dangers of tying a horse solid.
2. Why The Blocker Tie Ring
See the benefits of the Blocker Tie Ring and how it supports your horse. Ted shares his philosophy on tying horses.
3. Install & Use
Learn to install the Blocker Tie Ring on a post and review the three different tying levels.
4. Lead Rope
Tying options combined with different lead ropes offer varying amounts of hold.
5. Pull Back
Re-schooling horses with pull back problems and how those problems develop in the first place.
6. Tie Training
The Blocker Tie Ring helps train young horses to give to pressure, while allowing you to maintain control.
7. Trailer
Why the Blocker Tie Ring is safer for both you and your horse when trailering.
8. Horses that Untie
Find out how to use the Blocker Tie Ring with a horse that unties himself.
9. Testimonial: DVM
Dr. Justin Edwards explains how the Blocker Tie Ring is a safer choice for your horse.
10. Testimonial: Farrier
Darrell Schram, professional farrier for over 30 years, shares his reasons for using the Blocker Tie Ring.
11. Summary
The three factors of horse psychology that make the Blocker Tie Ring effective.